Amal Al-otibi Data Science & Artificial Intelligence specialist, and Software Developer with a strong interest in business world.

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I'm obsessed with building things from scratch and making them as professional as they should be. My passion for technology started at an early age since I built my first calculator when I was 12 years old. During studying at university, I've designed many websites for small businesses, nonprofits corporations, and more. I set up my first Startup, at King Salman Entrepreneurship Institute, where I was working in maintaining mobile devices.

I have contributed to open source projects, worked with engineering teams, and have always been up to date with the newest frameworks.


Front End

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • XD


  • NodeJS
  • Dart
  • php
  • Python


  • PostgreSQL
  • mySQL
  • MongoDB
  • firestore

data system

  • Python
  • google data studio
  • bigquery
  • tableau

Project Portfolio


sales data analysis & dashboards

  • Alteryx
  • Tableau
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • KPIs & Trends

analysis data that content 488,945 rows. to help make decisions run the operations better, lower the cost and improve the sales.

Link Report

Self-purchase app

  • Dart
  • Flutter
  • python
  • Firebase

A mobile application that provides self-payment service using a mobile phone only in the supermarket

Income tracking website
  • CSS | HTML
  • Express | NodeJS
  • Passport.js
  • MongoDB

Fully functional Income tracking website to assist the maintenance technician in their work

Websites for companies
  • Webflow
  • JavaScript
  • hostgator

Static websites, professionally designed to introduce the company



Book lessons

  • JavaScript
  • php
  • AJAX request | XML
  • mySQL

A fully functional web app, connecting coaches with students to book lessons.

  • python
  • tableau desktop
  • tableau prep builder

Dashboards, for decision-makers, based on big data.

Genetic Algorithm
  • Python
  • Genetic Algorithm

Advanced AI algorithm. Built to recommend clothes using artificial intelligence according to color and type of clothes.
